Saturday, February 21, 2009

How to Make More Money In Difficult Times

Is the economy worrying you? Lost your home? Your job? Lose money on the stock market? Concerned about retirement income? Know someone else who is suffering this way?

What's the answer? Create multiple streams of income. We all know that, but how do you find or create those sources of income? How do you make more money in a difficult economy? Follow Five Secrets to Success.

1. Be Bold. Believe in Yourself.

Determine your talents and skills. What are your personal strengths? Are you a creative writer? Have carpentry skills? Great with people? Love kids? Capable on the computer and the internet? Wise manager? Trained for something in particular?

Look for ways to develop a home-based business using your special interests and skills. Where are the gaps and needs? Look online under your skill sets to see what kinds of opportunities other people are developing. Go to to find jobs in your market, catering to your skills.

2. Be Brave. Jump Out of Your Comfort Zone.

That's right. Don't hesitate and say you can't do something. Do the Obama chant, "Yes, I can!" Yes, you can learn new skills. Yes, you can approach people with your business or product offering. Yes, you deserve more money and you will make it happen. Yes, you will give up television time to learn new marketing skills and develop your talents.

Yes, you will be one of the top leaders in network marketing.

3. Be Firm. Be a Leader

Even from the first day of starting your own business, step up to leadership. You are the CEO and President. Who do you want on your Board of Directors? In other words, who are the best people you can think of to join you in partnership to create incredible results with your products, services and financial opportunity?

Think SHARP people. Self Starters. Honest and Happy. Achievers. Responsible. Persistent.

4. Be Creative. Move Forward in a variety of ways.

Consider the many ways you can market your company and then choose the avenues that are best suited to your personality and talents. There are many free ways to advertise and attract people online. Find simple ways to do that and be consistent. With your local market, expand your friendships and interests, to be around people with a vision for long term, ongoing income.

5. Be Hilarious. Enjoy the journey.

Surround yourself with visionaries who laugh in times of adversity and who take joy in new challenges. Take time out to exercise in inspiring ways. Go to an inspirational or humorous movie. Know that every business has its down times, rejections and things that go wrong. There are also marvelous times when new doors open and wonderful people walk into your life.

Those who stay the course and visualize a positive outcome, will see long lasting success.